This ugly building with the top that looks like a snow cone cup unraveling is the RLDS, now renamed Community of Christ's, Temple/International Headquarters. We went ahead and went on inside. It looked pretty much like a High School inside. Their daily prayer meeting was starting so I went in and had a seat. It was deathly quiet, with only about 12 people inside. We heard 5 gong's that I to this day don't know where they came from, had a strange 5 minute prayer meeting. They pray for one country each day, and that day just happened to be Niger Africa. They read a few facts about it, and it sounded like they came right out of the Encyclopedia, we had a minute of silence, sang a weird song, 5 more gongs, and we were out of there. The service lasted about 12 minutes.It may not be the true church, but they do get credit for promptness!
This statue is across the street from the Nauvoo temple. The plaque underneath it says this:
"The Prophets Last Ride"
On the morning of June 24, 1844, Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum left their families, homes, and fellow saints for the last time. Traveling on horseback, they paused on this bluff. Joseph looked admiringly at the unfinished temple and the city of Nauvoo and declared:
This is the loveliest place and the best people under the heavens; little do they know the trials that await them.
Joesph and Hyrum then continued on to Carthage, Illinois, where they faced legal charges and eventual death at the hands of a mob.
I dont' think our trip could have gone any better! thanks again for coming to visit me. KS isn't so bad, eh? (well, actually we spend most of the time in MO of IL...)
It wasn't so bad at all. Thanks for inviting me, I had sooo much fun. I wish we could have that same 6 days all over again! I might have CJ on board to go to New York with usto, so this might be a big ol' party!!
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