Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I got a new car!

My Honda was a piece-o-crap, so it's a thing of the past. Here is my new car, and I love it! It's a 2007 Hyundai Tucson 4wd. It's so fun!!


Kayla said...

I'm still so jealous! I totally wish mine had seat warmers and a sunroof. I should have changed my priorities apparently. It's cute though. We look like twins in the prk lot! :P

Ross n Jen said...

Please tell me there is some type of weiner dog sticker, advertisement, etc on the back window.

*~Lindsey~* said...

I want your vehicle it's just not fair!!!!

Rodriguez Family said...

wootwoo! fancy! how would it hold up if you were to drive, say to, Kansas?

Julie said...

I think it would do quite well, should I give it a go?? :)

Alicia Ballard said...

drive to KS?? don't recommend'll have nothing to look at after Denver except dirt and sagebrush.... nice car tho! congrats!